Jadin. J, in collaboration with Takata Research Center, 2020

The research project will help to provide policy recommendations for better management of mangrove forests in Mahahual, and could be extended to the Costa Maya. It would also serve as an educational tool in order to know how the awareness of the inhabitants in Mahahual should be raised to better protect the mangrove ecosystem. It would allow to understand better the needs of the local population and the dependency to the mangrove forest. As such, a future conservation project will be easier to implement, knowing what/with whom/to which extent each project and awareness campaign should be put in place. During the survey, an educational section will also be given to each respondent concerning the existence and importance of the ecosystem services. As such, if the first aim to the project is to collect relevant and sufficient data that can represent the perceptions and needs of the local community concerning the mangrove forest, it also aims at starting a sensitisation campaign in order to have an educational impact.