When : Monday the 30th of March from 4 to 6pm

Where: R42.2.110 – Solvay Brussels School Building

Recently, the introduction of a wealth tax has been vigorously discussed, both in the academic and policy worlds. It is against this background that the Dulbea is hosting a conference on the economics behind how different tax policies offset increasing inequality all over the world.

Panel of experts :

François Maniquet (UCL), Mathilde Muñoz (World Inequality Lab – PSE)
Moderated by Laura López Forés (ULB-DULBEA).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact dulbea@ulb.be. Follow us on twitter @Dulbea_Ulb, and send any questions you would like to see addressed.

For practical arrangements, registration is mandatory (no later than the 23rd March)