Over the past few months, the Department of Applied Economics of the Université Libre de
Bruxelles (DULBEA) has provided overviews of the latest papers and insights on the economic
consequences of the Covid-19 crisis for policymakers, researchers and concerned citizens. In the
first review we stated the initial consequences and policy recommendations to follow; in the
second review we presented papers that pointed out how this medical crisis is likely to have an
unequal impact on workers and businesses, we also mentioned the EU response to tackle it; in
the third review we included papers which argued that some individuals and regions are more
vulnerable to this pandemic. Additionally, we included papers on the economics behind a vaccine
and the cost of controlling the pandemic. Each review can be found, following the links in blue.
You can find the fourth review below.

Author: Laura López Forés, Department of Applied Economics of the Université Libre de Bruxelles
(DULBEA) (Laura.Lopez.Fores@ulb.ac.be, dulbea@ulb.be)